Counselor's Section

Statement of Philosophy

At ÁùºÏ±¦µä the counseling department believes:

All students have dignity and worth.
All students can learn given appropriate support.
All students have the right to participate in the school counseling program.

At ÁùºÏ±¦µä the counseling program is built upon the following:

It is developmental in nature.
It is preventative in design.
Students ethnic, cultural, racial, gender and learning differences are essential factors in program design and delivery.
It is an integral part of the total educational program for student success at the school.
All students, teachers and parents have access to the counseling program.
Counseling Mission Statement

The Counseling program is designed to develop students as unique, responsible members of the school community with the ultimate goal of creating citizens who will make successful contributions to a global society. The focus is on social, emotional and intellectual self-awareness and personal growth in relation to individual potential and viewed through a multicultural perspective.

 Service Delivery

K-5 Elementary

Consultation and planning with class teachers for individual, small group or class work.
Consultation with Learning Center and EAL for students with behavioral, self esteem and social issues related to academic success.
Curriculum Development and consultation re Elementary Health/Guidance.
Team and parent meetings.

Gr. 6-8 Middle School

Consultation and planning with class teachers for individual, small group or class work.
Consultation with Learning Center and EAL for students with behavioral, self esteem and social issues related to academic success.
Curriculum development and coordination of MS Advisor program.
Team and parent meetings.
Gr. 9-12 High School

Social-Emotional Counselor

Consultation and planning with class teachers for individual, small group or class work.
Consultation with Learning Center and EAL for students with behavioral, self esteem, and social issues related to academic success.
High School team meetings and parent meetings.

Coordinate HS Advisor program

Teach Guidance/Health course for one semester as a transition for Gr. 9 students.
Teach College and Career Exploration for one semester as a transition for Grade 10 students.
College Counselor

Deliver Advisory to Grade 12 In the first semester, to Grade 11 in the second semester.
Facilitate two college information nights for students and parents.
Consultation with students regarding Grade Point Average as well as SAT, TOEFL, and AP testing requirements for college choices and the application process.
Meeting with parents and students of grade 11 in the spring for college counseling.
Meeting with parents and students of grade 12 at least once but as needed for college counseling.
Coordination of Naviance program from the college search through the application process.
Coordination of updating and importing of transcripts and other required documentation for college applications.
Program Strands K-12 Guidance/Advisory

Healthy Relationships - interpersonal skills, conflict resolution, communication, recognizing and responding to discrimination, stereotyping, bullying, respecting own and others choices, personal safety.
Personal Development - understanding how to learn, personal strengths, developing strategies for maximizing potential (social, emotional, academic), goal setting and decision making, values, personality, interests.
Healthy Lifestyles - physical and emotional health, developmental issues, physical, social emotional changes, diet, exercise, making healthy choices.
Career Development – work, jobs, careers, personal attributes, relating to potential careers, work habits and transferable skills, understanding educational systems.